Throwing Mountains

Confronting Fear & Embracing Risk with BibleProject's Michael McDonald, Chief Global Focus Officer

Season 3 Episode 105

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Many men today live out of fear and insecurity that handicaps our ability to lead courageously. How do we confront the fears that so often paralyzes us? What does it look like to embrace risk and trust God in uncertainty?

Our guest today, Michael McDonald, is a man who's been in many precarious situations throughout his life, most of them not of his choosing. Somehow, by God's providence, he's found his way through and discovered new levels of God's faithfulness.

You'll learn how God uses the cumulative experiences of our lives, both successes and failures, to refine us and prepare us for roles and purposes we'd never dream of previously.

Michael McDonald is the Chief Global Focus & Strategic Relationships Officer for the BibleProject. He works on cultivating awareness and creating strategic relationships with churches, organizations and other non-profits that are looking to use BibleProject Videos in their context. He also leads BibleProject's Global Focus team which is working on localizing their videos into different languages.

He previously spent 11 years leading a global development organization as well as serving on several boards for international organizations with compassion and justice missions. In a previous life, he owned and operated restaurants in Canada and the US, and still loves enjoying a great meal in new cities with his wife, Melissa.


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