Throwing Mountains
Welcome to the Throwing Mountains (formerly Empowered Manhood) podcast, where men rediscover courageous leadership. You'll be strengthened by the stories of God working in the lives of ordinary men today -- men who've become leaders in their spheres of influence by relying on God and following Jesus. You'll also gain a sharp focus on the biblical idea of masculine leadership which will help orient your own life as a man.
207 episodes
Weekly Strength 4.13: Tough Topics -- Wealth
Does God want you to be wealthy? If you are struggling financially, is that a sign that you are out of favor with God or lack sufficient faith in God? Or is being wealthy sinful?The writings of one of the richest men ever, Solomon, prov...
Episode 207

Weekly Strength 4.12: Tough Topics -- Theology
How important is it for a Christian to have sound theology? Isn’t it enough simply to demonstrate Christ-like love to others? This week’s Bible passage: 2 Timothy 3:12-17 Weekly Strength podcast resource: <...
Episode 206

Weekly Strength 4.11: Tough Topics -- Social Justice
The term “social justice” has become a politically charged term that divides Christians, especially Protestants.Evangelicals accuse mainline Protestants of sacrificing bedrock biblical beliefs to achieve cultural goals; mainline Protest...
Episode 205

The Redemptive Power of Humor with Josh Mancuso
In two years, he’s gone from virtually obscurity to having 450,000 followers, collaborating with major universities, and being featured on ESPN and CBS Sports.All because his videos – most of which poke fun at the college football power...
Episode 204

Weekly Strength 4.10: Tough Topics -- Race
In the days of Jesus, Jews hated Samaritans. And the feeling was mutual.Animosity between the two groups had existed for centuries.But why?How did Jesus deal with it? And what does that mean for us today?This wee...
Episode 203

Why One Men's Ministry Is Thriving
Christian men of all ages are struggling, and fewer than 10 percent of American churches offer an effective ministry for their men.But a men’s discipleship ministry called CLC – Christ Led Communities – i...
Episode 202

Weekly Strength 4.09: Tough Topics -- Pride
Is pride good or bad? Many would argue that, pride – especially healthy pride – is good.In a radio address, C.S. Lewis expressed a different opinion.This week's Bible passage: Luke 18:9-14Weekly Strength podcast resource...
Episode 201

Men’s Discipleship: Big vs. Small Church with Travis Edgar and Ronnie Cordrey
Effective men’s discipleship is critical to the health of every church, whatever its size.Travis Edgar leads a small, Free Methodist church in a rural Pennsylvania town. Ronnie Cordrey leads men’s ministry at one of the largest churches...
Episode 200

Weekly Strength 4.08: Tough Topics -- Politics
To make the world a better place, many people turn to politics. That’s because the decisions and actions of government leaders can have a significant impact on some things that can improve the lives of some people.As Christians, however...
Episode 199

The Redemptive Value of Bitcoin Mining with Luke Broyles
Luke Broyles talks with me about the redemptive value of Bitcoin mining and the significance of self-custody through the Bitcoin Advisors.#BitcoinAdvisors:https://content.thebitcoinadviser.com/lukebroyles#BlockWare Solutions...
Season 3
Episode 198

Weekly Strength 4.07: Tough Topics -- Masculinity
Jesus was not only the perfect man but also the perfect model of manhood. To translate the example of Jesus to their own lives, men need help from their Christian brothers.The problem is that most men don’t have any Christian brothers. ...
Episode 197

Weekly Strength 4.06: Tough Topics -- Integrity
I marvel at the integrity of the early Christians. But I also have good examples of integrity in my own life.One man who demonstrated integrity throughout his life was my dad. I learned many things from his example, including these two:...
Episode 196

Why Serving Others Is Essential with Brett Baker
Brett Baker was on a self-destructive path until he joined the military, which gave him discipline, structure, and goals. It wasn't until he was medically retired from the military, however, that Brett discovered his true purpose: serving other...
Episode 195

Weekly Strength 4.05: Tough Topics -- Failure
Byner took a handoff, powered past the Broncos' line, and headed for the goal line to tie the game. But he was stripped of the ball at the two-yard line, and the Browns lost.Byner’s name is forever linked with that play, known simply as...
Episode 194

Finding Wholeness in God with Singer/Songwriter Joel Hanson
The Hebrew word "shalom" appears 237 times in the Old Testament. The usual translation is "peace", but the word also means completeness or wholeness.Both the Old Testament and the New Testament make it clear that true peace -- true whol...
Episode 193

Weekly Strength 4.04: Tough Topics -- Equality
In Jesus's time, there was no concept of equality in the Roman Empire or in Jewish society.So where did Jesus stand on the issue of equality? How did he instruct his followers? How do his words and actions apply to us today, nearly 2,00...
Episode 192

The Value of Restoring a Brother with Singer/Songwriter Joel Hanson
When a Christian leader sins, we expect him to step down and, essentially, disappear.In his letter to the Galatians, Paul instructs us to restore those caught in sin, using a spirit of gentleness. Does restoration mean restoring one to ...
Episode 191

Weekly Strength 4.03: Tough Topics -- Divorce
Most Christian churches face a shortage of men, with women accounting for 60 percent or more of typical worship attendance. So why do churches seem to go out of their way to alienate men who are divorced?Church leaders respond that they...
Episode 190

When You Follow God's Call . . . and Fail with Warren Mainard of IMPACT Players
After 17 years of successful youth ministry in Texas and South Carolina, Warren Mainard heard a call from God. His wife heard it, too. The call was to take their two children, move to Seattle, and plant a church there.It took Warren thr...
Episode 189

Weekly Strength 4.02: Tough Topics -- Death
Jesus knew that, in a few minutes, he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead.And yet, when Jesus saw Mary weeping for her dead brother, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly tro...
Episode 188

Challenging Your Own Ideas on Race with David Bowens
In 1960, Martin Luther King, Jr. called 11 a.m. on Sunday morning the most segregated hour in Christian America. Today, the issue of race continues to polarize and divide American Christians.How is God calling us, as men, to engage with...
Episode 187

Weekly Strength 4.01: Tough Topics -- Addiction
Restore Addiction Recovery not only helps men defeat their addictions but also equips them for full-time employment and prepares them to thrive in the real world.That’s the world where they have failed so many times in the past....
Episode 186

Divorce and Christian Men
When a man goes through a divorce, it’s like a bomb has exploded in his life. Everything is affected, including his identity, his dreams and plans, his relationships, his finances, and his physical, emotional, and spiritual health.If he...
Episode 185

Weekly Strength 3.13: Big Topics -- Time
God is not bound by the constraints of time. But we are. We wish we weren't. That’s why manipulating time is a recurring theme in films.But our time on earth, as short as it may be, is just the beginning . . . because we live fo...
Episode 184

The Value of Getting in the Mud with Mike McDonald of The Bible Project
He got his first job when he was 10. At 14, he took his 12-year-old brother to Beijing for six weeks to attend a conference. He graduated high school early, left home, and at age 17 started running a retail store. At 19, he went to Turkey to “f...
Episode 183