Throwing Mountains

Finding Strength in Your True Identity in Christ with Tim Brown

Mike Hatch & Chris Bolinger Episode 159

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Tim Brown has worked with many successful men. Men who are movers and shakers in their communities. Men with power and platforms and influence.

These men are in positions of leadership, but most of them are not leading – or, at least, not leading well. They have few or no close friends and no real accountability. And they are miserable.

Why? They don’t know who they are, outside of their accomplishments and status. They have no identity.

Tim started the REUP Men’s Movement to help men discover their identity in Christ and encourage, equip, and empower them to be who God made them to be in their leadership of their families, churches, and communities. In this episode, he shares what he’s learned in working with men.

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Mike Hatch:
Chris Bolinger:
