Throwing Mountains
Welcome to the Throwing Mountains (formerly Empowered Manhood) podcast, where men rediscover courageous leadership. You'll be strengthened by the stories of God working in the lives of ordinary men today -- men who've become leaders in their spheres of influence by relying on God and following Jesus. You'll also gain a sharp focus on the biblical idea of masculine leadership which will help orient your own life as a man.
Throwing Mountains
Grow Your Men . . . and Your Church Will Grow with David Murrow
The key to sustained church growth is reaching and discipling men, says David Murrow. His first book, Why Men Hate Going to Church, has sold over 200,000 copies because it "calls the church back to men" and provides practical steps on attracting and retaining men. David's latest initiative, the Online Preaching Coach, trains pastors on providing compelling online content, which is critical to reaching young adults, especially young men.
This episode is highlights from two previous interviews with David:
- #3 Why Men Hate Going to Church
- #141 Your Online Preaching Coach
After you hear the highlights, be sure to check out the complete interviews. And visit DavidMurrow.com for a wealth of resources on growing your church by growing your men.
Mike Hatch: mhatch@clchq.org
Chris Bolinger: chris@mensdevotionals.com
- Mike's book: Manhood: Empowered by the Light of the Gospel (paperback, audiobook)
- Join the Empowered Manhood Facebook Group
- Daily Strength for Men: A 365-Day Devotional
- 52 Weeks of Strength for Men
- CLC: https://www.clchq.org/
- BiblicalLeadership.com