Throwing Mountains
Welcome to the Throwing Mountains (formerly Empowered Manhood) podcast, where men rediscover courageous leadership. You'll be strengthened by the stories of God working in the lives of ordinary men today -- men who've become leaders in their spheres of influence by relying on God and following Jesus. You'll also gain a sharp focus on the biblical idea of masculine leadership which will help orient your own life as a man.
Throwing Mountains
Divorce and Christian Men
When a man goes through a divorce, it’s like a bomb has exploded in his life. Everything is affected, including his identity, his dreams and plans, his relationships, his finances, and his physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
If he is a Christian, then he expects to find support and help from other men in his church. Instead, he often finds a cold shoulder. As a result, most Christian men who go through a divorce leave their church, and 30% of them walk away from their faith altogether.
This episode provides practical ways that you can provide support and encouragement to your divorced Christian brother.
Check out Chris Bolinger’s article “9 Ways Men Can Support Christian Brothers through Divorce.”
Mike Hatch: mhatch@clchq.org
Chris Bolinger: chris@mensdevotionals.com
- Mike's book: Manhood: Empowered by the Light of the Gospel (paperback, audiobook)
- Join the Empowered Manhood Facebook Group
- Daily Strength for Men: A 365-Day Devotional
- 52 Weeks of Strength for Men
- CLC: https://www.clchq.org/
- BiblicalLeadership.com